Sunday, December 4, 2022

And it's so hard to change


Instantly, J knew he was coming down with something after the Thanksgiving party. It was the last thing he needed, dealing with Stevie's dad. Even then he knew something was wrong.

He told Stevie to stay put, he and Tobes would take care of this.  Of course, Stevie gave him a wide-eyed look as if those two might get rid of his dad all sluggish and quiet out of it after his hour nap.

"I think he needs to go to the emergency room," J didn't mean to look perturbed, but how could Stevie think the worst?

"What?" Stevie looked shocked. 

"I think he's sick. Besides, we don't need him here," he said it was best to be safer than sorry. Stevie gave him a nod and Tobes helped him along to get the man to J's car. Thankfully, Tobes went with him.

They were in silence, listening to him bellow ever so often. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but J thought it might be more than that. 

As soon as they brought him, he stirred about as if he'd have none of it. But when the doctor looked at his eyes, he asked them both if he'd fallen.

"Not that we know of," J shrugged. He'd been an unwanted guest. "He ate Thanksgiving dinner with us and then went to sleep on the couch. Really, we didn't want him there." J didn't know how much he could explain. 

They would need an MRI for starters so J called Stevie in. He might be needed after all. Surely, someone would know his past illnesses at home.

"Sounds like he's never taken care of himself," he said to Tobes. He sighed then. No way would Stevie ever be like his father. Even if he wondered if he was having a few drinks about now. He looked at his watch.

Yes, it was going to be a long night. J felt he could fall asleep if he leaned against the wall long enough. Oh, he knew he needed to take better care of himself. How had this happened? Was Stevie's dad always like this. Just living life, evidently. But it was a delicate matter. J pressed his lips tight. Even if he was only in his twenties, he didn't want to end up like Stevie's dad. He didn't want Stevie to end up like him, either.


  1. What a scary turn of events! One minute Stevie's dad is a farting nuisance, and the next he's being rushed to the ER. But if the takeaway is that J -- and hopefully Stevie -- take better care of themselves, then it's a worthwhile silver lining. 🏥

  2. I've had a few nights like that. :) In the hospital after someone's had too much or something happens and you're not sure if they're ill but don't want to take that risk. You captured that crazy in your 20's feeling well. :)

  3. I truly feel J loves Stevie so genuinely..especially to deal with his dad.

  4. Oh, his dad, I hope they will know what to do.

  5. Oh, I do hope he's okay - I'm worried for all of them!


  6. Oh :(((
    I hope they are fine
    Thanks for sharing
    Have a nice day ♥

  7. having absent/missing parents in this way is a way of always policing oneself so as not to repeat the same mistakes and act in the same way. I hope everything ends well.
